Attività Olistiche

Naturopathy Consultations

Naturopathy is a discipline which, through non-invasive non-medical methods and treatments, aims to improve the individual’s state of well-being. At the root of naturopathic thinking is the idea of ​​being human as a unit made up of body, mind and emotions, components that must be in harmony with each other and with the outside world so that the person can feel good.

Naturopathy Consultations

Naturopathy is a discipline which, through non-invasive non-medical methods and treatments, aims to improve the individual’s state of well-being. At the root of naturopathic thinking is the idea of ​​being human as a unit made up of body, mind and emotions, components that must be in harmony with each other and with the outside world so that the person can feel good.

Bach Flowers

The essences of Bach flowers are plant extracts that have a positive influence on mood swings and emotional imbalances such as fear, anxiety, discomfort, lack of self-confidence, stress and worries.

They have an effect on all aspects of psychological and emotional health. There are 38 different Bach flower essences, and each acts on a specific emotional state. Most of the time up to 7 different Bach Flower essences are mixed in a bottle to directly address a specific problem..

Bach Flowers

The essences of Bach flowers are plant extracts that have a positive influence on mood swings and emotional imbalances such as fear, anxiety, discomfort, lack of self-confidence, stress and worries.

They have an effect on all aspects of psychological and emotional health. There are 38 different Bach flower essences, and each acts on a specific emotional state. Most of the time up to 7 different Bach Flower essences are mixed in a bottle to directly address a specific problem..

Family Constellations

Family Constellations are a method of becoming aware of and resolving the most profound, complex and delicate aspects of our life, which derive from our relationship with our family of origin and can manifest themselves in terms of personal well-being, interpersonal relationships, process of self-realization.

Family Constellations provide us with the extraordinary and precious opportunity to explore and become aware of our individual unconscious and of the active links with the collective family unconscious that interfere in our lives. Through awareness and the encounter with our Roots, they offer us the possibility of a concrete re-balancing and harmonization both on a personal and systemic level.

For his affirmation, everyone’s life is conditioned by destinies and feelings that are not really personal and personal ; even serious illnesses, the desire for death and problems at work, can be due to entanglements of the family system and can be brought to light through the process of Family Constellations.

Family Constellations

Family Constellations are a method of becoming aware of and resolving the most profound, complex and delicate aspects of our life, which derive from our relationship with our family of origin and can manifest themselves in terms of personal well-being, interpersonal relationships, process of self-realization.

Family Constellations provide us with the extraordinary and precious opportunity to explore and become aware of our individual unconscious and of the active links with the collective family unconscious that interfere in our lives. Through awareness and the encounter with our Roots, they offer us the possibility of a concrete re-balancing and harmonization both on a personal and systemic level.

For his affirmation, everyone’s life is conditioned by destinies and feelings that are not really personal and personal ; even serious illnesses, the desire for death and problems at work, can be due to entanglements of the family system and can be brought to light through the process of Family Constellations.


Health is, in effect, that condition in which the body functions well without any external intervention. Preserving and pursuing health in a natural way, however, is a broader concept, linked primarily to listening to one’s body and to the spontaneity with which one lives one’s life following the natural rhythms of the seasons.


Health is, in effect, that condition in which the body functions well without any external intervention. Preserving and pursuing health in a natural way, however, is a broader concept, linked primarily to listening to one’s body and to the spontaneity with which one lives one’s life following the natural rhythms of the seasons.

Recognition Courses Wild Herbs

“Going for herbs” allows us to get closer to nature and to look at the habitats that surround us with a different and less distracted eye. It is also an opportunity to rediscover special tastes far from those to which the big industries would like to get used to. food. It is true that today we no longer need to harvest herbs to survive, but the pleasure of getting something “natural” is still present in each of us. Chicory, poppies, crepes, dandelion, pimpinella, today they are excellent ingredients for soups, omelettes, risottos, salads, useful for a healthy and tasty diet. The consumption of these herbs gives the palate archaic sensations forgotten today with use in cooking and phytotherapy.

Recognition Courses Wild Herbs

“Going for herbs” allows us to get closer to nature and to look at the habitats that surround us with a different and less distracted eye. It is also an opportunity to rediscover special tastes far from those to which the big industries would like to get used to. food. It is true that today we no longer need to harvest herbs to survive, but the pleasure of getting something “natural” is still present in each of us. Chicory, poppies, crepes, dandelion, pimpinella, today they are excellent ingredients for soups, omelettes, risottos, salads, useful for a healthy and tasty diet. The consumption of these herbs gives the palate archaic sensations forgotten today with use in cooking and phytotherapy.

Channelling Meetings And Seminars

Channeling is a mediumistic phenomenon that involves worlds and systems that are not part of material reality. We are in the world of subtle energies, of spirituality.

The messages received exhort us to prepare ourselves, to work on ourselves and on our capacity to love and welcome.

Channelling Meetings And Seminars

Channeling is a mediumistic phenomenon that involves worlds and systems that are not part of material reality. We are in the world of subtle energies, of spirituality.

The messages received exhort us to prepare ourselves, to work on ourselves and on our capacity to love and welcome.


However, we can say that meditation is a state of pure being, of clear awareness, of observant attention: an originally natural state, but for which work is needed on oneself. We return to the normal condition of body and mind: a state of unity, prior to any duality. Through a series of investigative exercises of one’s physical and mental mechanics (from the most coarse sensations and thoughts to the most subtle ones), one is fully present, aware, here and now: the fullness of pure attention is realized.

Meditating is training oneself to what has been called ‘the miracle of mindfulness’: it turns out that what we considered at the beginning a circumscribed practice in pre-established times and places (the gym, our room, for example) gradually becomes an oil stain in able to radically change our being in the world, our living life. Meditating does not mean taking refuge in one’s own mental paradise, but having a direct and direct contact with oneself and with what surrounds us, free from the innumerable filters that are interposed between us and reality. Meditating means having a real possibility of knowing oneself (not merely intellectual knowledge) and entering a path of inner growth.


However, we can say that meditation is a state of pure being, of clear awareness, of observant attention: an originally natural state, but for which work is needed on oneself. We return to the normal condition of body and mind: a state of unity, prior to any duality. Through a series of investigative exercises of one’s physical and mental mechanics (from the most coarse sensations and thoughts to the most subtle ones), one is fully present, aware, here and now: the fullness of pure attention is realized.

Meditating is training oneself to what has been called ‘the miracle of mindfulness’: it turns out that what we considered at the beginning a circumscribed practice in pre-established times and places (the gym, our room, for example) gradually becomes an oil stain in able to radically change our being in the world, our living life. Meditating does not mean taking refuge in one’s own mental paradise, but having a direct and direct contact with oneself and with what surrounds us, free from the innumerable filters that are interposed between us and reality. Meditating means having a real possibility of knowing oneself (not merely intellectual knowledge) and entering a path of inner growth.


Yoga is an ancient practice of ancient origins that is still used today by millions of people around the world for the care and maintenance of their psychophysical balance.

Yoga was born when the fields of knowledge were not separate, philosophy, psychology, hygiene, religion, spirituality were a single body of knowledge placed at the service of human evolution. This is why yoga is a practice where philosophy, psychology, hygiene, meditative and bodily practices work in harmony to maintain a healthy existential condition.

Yoga improves the quality of life. It offers us the possibility of returning to be part of a natural reality thanks to the practices that show us how to approach the profound dimensions of our being.

The term yoga, due to the generic nature of the term, allows a great variety of meanings. The word itself means “to unite”. In yoga it is therefore necessary to realize the action of binding, uniting, connecting. Yoga becomes the means that allows man to harmoniously connect body and consciousness, being and the universe, head and heart, breath and sensations, psyche and memory, past and future, activity and passivity, will and abandonment.


Yoga is an ancient practice of ancient origins that is still used today by millions of people around the world for the care and maintenance of their psychophysical balance.

Yoga was born when the fields of knowledge were not separate, philosophy, psychology, hygiene, religion, spirituality were a single body of knowledge placed at the service of human evolution. This is why yoga is a practice where philosophy, psychology, hygiene, meditative and bodily practices work in harmony to maintain a healthy existential condition.

Yoga improves the quality of life. It offers us the possibility of returning to be part of a natural reality thanks to the practices that show us how to approach the profound dimensions of our being.

The term yoga, due to the generic nature of the term, allows a great variety of meanings. The word itself means “to unite”. In yoga it is therefore necessary to realize the action of binding, uniting, connecting. Yoga becomes the means that allows man to harmoniously connect body and consciousness, being and the universe, head and heart, breath and sensations, psyche and memory, past and future, activity and passivity, will and abandonment.

Natural and healthy foodstuff

It is possible to include in the natural food, therefore, the fresh confectioned products sold on the stalls of historical and local markets: fruit, vegetables, legumes, flour, eggs, meat, fish, dairy products. Starting from these foods, every dish is possible, and another element of naturalness would also be to prepare pasta, bread, biscuits and sweets at home.

Natural nutrition also means satisfying the seasonality of the products: we are in autumn and if the temperatures are lowered, the days get shorter and life styles change compared to summer, so does our body, work and rest times, metabolism and the variety of products we can eat. Foods to be enjoyed this season are pomegranates, chestnuts, persimmons, pumpkin, mushrooms, radicchio, grapes and hazelnuts.

Natural and healthy foodstuff

It is possible to include in the natural food, therefore, the fresh confectioned products sold on the stalls of historical and local markets: fruit, vegetables, legumes, flour, eggs, meat, fish, dairy products. Starting from these foods, every dish is possible, and another element of naturalness would also be to prepare pasta, bread, biscuits and sweets at home.

Natural nutrition also means satisfying the seasonality of the products: we are in autumn and if the temperatures are lowered, the days get shorter and life styles change compared to summer, so does our body, work and rest times, metabolism and the variety of products we can eat. Foods to be enjoyed this season are pomegranates, chestnuts, persimmons, pumpkin, mushrooms, radicchio, grapes and hazelnuts.

Natural Aesthetics

Natural Aesthetics is a method for treating personal beauty in a natural way. Starting from the knowledge of oneself and one’s needs, it is possible to define treatments, natural cosmetic products, lifestyle and nutrition with a common goal: beauty in fact.

Natural Aesthetics

Natural Aesthetics is a method for treating personal beauty in a natural way. Starting from the knowledge of oneself and one’s needs, it is possible to define treatments, natural cosmetic products, lifestyle and nutrition with a common goal: beauty in fact.